Amazon Bedrock
Getting started

Getting Started

Use the Connector in Your Project

Application Requirements

Java Development Kit (JDK)

The application using the MuleSoft Vectors Connector can use Java Development Kit (JDK) 8, 11 and 17 with following exceptions:

MuleSoft Runtime

The application using the MuleSoft Vectors Connector requires a Mule Runtime >= 1.3.2.

Option 1: Maven Central Repository

Maven Central (opens in a new tab)

Edit File pom.xml


The MAC Project connectors are constantly updated, and the version is regularly changed. Make sure to replace {version} with the latest release from Maven Central (opens in a new tab).

Copy and paste the following Maven Dependency into your Mule application pom file.


Option 2: Install Manually using Maven

Build Requirements

Before you start, ensure you have the following prerequisites:

  • Java Development Kit (JDK) 8, 11, and 17
  • Apache Maven
  • MuleSoft Anypoint Studio

Download the MuleSoft Amazon Berock Connector

Clone the Amazon Bedrock Connector repository from GitHub (will be release mid September):

git clone
cd mule-amazon-bedrock-connector

Install the Connector with Java 8

mvn clean install -Dmaven.test.skip=true -DskipTests -Dgpg.skip

Installing with Java 11, 17, 21, 22, etc.

Step 1

export MAVEN_OPTS="--add-opens=java.base/java.util=ALL-UNNAMED --add-opens=java.base/ --add-opens=java.base/java.util.regex=ALL-UNNAMED --add-opens=java.base/java.lang.reflect=ALL-UNNAMED --add-opens=java.base/java.lang=ALL-UNNAMED --add-opens=java.xml/javax.xml.namespace=ALL-UNNAMED"

Step 2

For Java 11
mvn clean install -Dmaven.test.skip=true -DskipTests -Dgpg.skip -Djdeps.multiRelease=11
For Java 17
mvn clean install -Dmaven.test.skip=true -DskipTests -Dgpg.skip -Djdeps.multiRelease=17
For Java 21
mvn clean install -Dmaven.test.skip=true -DskipTests -Dgpg.skip -Djdeps.multiRelease=21
For Java 22
mvn clean install -Dmaven.test.skip=true -DskipTests -Dgpg.skip -Djdeps.multiRelease=22

Edit File pom.xml


The MAC Project connectors are constantly updated, and the version is regularly changed. Make sure to replace {version} with the latest release from our GitHub repository (opens in a new tab).

Add the following dependency to your pom.xml file:


Connector Configuration

The Amazon Bedrock connector can be easily configured. Go to the Global Elements in your MuleSoft project, and create a new configuration. In the Connector Configuration, you will find the Amazon Bedrock Config. Select it and press OK.

Tools Use AI Service


Amazon Bedrock Connector supports multiple LLMs:

  • AI21 Labs J2
  • Amazon Nova
  • Amazon Titan
  • Anthropic Claude
  • Cohere
  • Meta llama2
  • Meta llama3
  • Mistral AI
  • Stability AI

By providing the clientId, clientSecret and sessionToken (optional) the connector is fully configured.

Tools Use AI Service