MuleSoft Whisperer
Speech Local

[Speech] to Text Local

The Speech-to-Text-Local operation converts audio files to text directly on your machine, using local CPU resources. It provides a secure, cloud-independent solution for on-premise applications, ensuring full data control.

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Input Fields

Module Configuration

This refers to the MAC Whisperer LLM Configuration set up in the Getting Started section.

General Operation Fields

  • Audio file path: Contains the full file path to the audio file to be transcribed. This should be specified in multipart/form-data mode.

Additional Properties

  • Model Path: The path to the Whisper model. When deploying the Mule application, place the model file (.bin) in the app.home directory. Use the relative path mule.home ++ "/apps/" ++ ++ "/model.bin" to specify it. Available models can be accessed via Whisper.cpp on Hugging Face (opens in a new tab).
  • NThreads: Number of CPU threads allocated to the operation. The default value is 4.
  • Language: Specifies the language of the input audio. By default, the language is automatically detected.
  • Translate: A boolean that indicates whether the input should be translated.
  • Print Progress: Displays the progress of the STT operation in the logs.

XML Configuration

Below is the XML configuration for this operation:

doc:name="Speech to text local" 
config-ref="OpenAI" audioFile="#[]" 
modelPath='#[mule.home ++ "/apps/" ++ ++ "/model.bin"]'

Output Field

This operation responds with a json payload.

Example Output

This output has been converted to JSON.

    "transcription": "Hi, the capital of France is Paris."
  • transcription: The transcription of the audio file.